Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

If only there was a young player on the panel who showed potential at u21/colleges level in the position, maybe someone from the 21s that won the all Ireland last year, otherwise TJ has to go from McCarty to Morrissey with neither being convincingā€¦


Is that Richie Mc with the camera?


Ideally the football will be on in Pairc Ui Rinn at 2pm or 3pm and the hurling at 7pm in Thurles so people can squeeze both in this Saturday.

Donā€™t do it to yourself pal thatā€™s a form of self harm.

Iā€™m hearing triple header Dodgy. Pack the chicken & red sauce sandwiches,itā€™ll be a long one

Richie McCarthy back at 3. Dowling in FF. Hannon HFā€¦ I donā€™t know where to begin with the rest.

Oh Richie McCarthy

The way Clare play would afford him some cover at least. If Davy had any sense heā€™d go 15 on 15 and blow us out of the water.

Why wonā€™t he give English a go? Could it possibly be worse?

Fuck knowsā€¦ I suppose with Oā€™Brien now suspended we are short in the corner so not a hope English will be moved now. Ideally Hickey on form to corner and English at 3ā€¦ Whatā€™s the story with Wayne Mc, he should be getting time ahead of Paudieā€¦ Wayne is Limited but offers far more than POB.

We should name the fb line from the 21ā€™s. I wonder what shape English is in? He went off injured Saturday and would be a massive loss to an already weak FB line.

Quaid, Hickey, Richie, Richie, Byrnes, Gavin, Condon, Browne, Dempsey, Morrissey, Downes, R Lynch, Nash, Dowling, C Lynch.

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Iā€™d move Cian out wing instead of Ronan and horse Mulcahy into the cornerā€¦but yeah

Ryan has been way better than Browne so far in the championship, why are you dropping him?

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Granted I didnā€™t see the last game. I think Ryan has been a great servant but is limited and his time is coming to an end. Dempsey or Oā€™Donovan have more to offer and are preferable at this stage. Iā€™d keep Browne because in fairness he has been one of our best and most consistent players the last couple years and has it in him to perform at that level again, if he doesnā€™t then he should be dropped too and Cian Lynch shifted out to midfield altogether.

Cian will be in a roving role anyway. Ronan Lynch needs to be in the team, whether wing back or wing forward.

Why would he put Dempsey in the team now?

I presume thatā€™s the team Glas would pick. No chance Teege will bring in Dempsey.

Iā€™d imagine the team will start close enough to the last day bar enforced changes;

Nickie Quaid; Sir Slipsalot, Richie McCarthy, Richie English; Diarmaid Byrnes, Gavin Oā€™Mahony, Paudie Oā€™Brien; James Ryan, Paul Browne, Darragh Oā€™Donovan, Barry Nash; Declan Hannon, Graeme Mulcahy, Shane Dowling, Kevin Downes.

Not the team Iā€™d pick btw.

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Why does ronan need to be in the team? He skipped two weeks training to go on holidays in the lead up to the tipp game. Heā€™s lucky to be on the squad.


He doesnā€™t have the pace for wing forward in my view. A half-forward line with Morrissey and R. Lynch would be glacial.

Drop Downes for Dan Morissey.


Tom, Danā€¦ tis all the one.

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