Limerick v Kilkenny 2โ€™19

Kilkenny have no good man marker

Joey Holdinโ€™


Ah fuck hogan coulda killed them with a score there. And another free for nothin by this townie gimp of a ref

Limericks Full forward line keeping them in it. Distribution from the backs is shocking though.

Where was foul on mulcahy there? He slipped


Better from Morrissey

Obligatory Munster polo shirt wearing Limerick fan shot.

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Limerick fans are a shower of cunts

Dan Morrissey nearly killed his brother there

Phantom frees & as many steps as they like

If Limerick get in around 5 down and theyโ€™ll win

TJ was completely blaggarded there

Alan Kelly is some wanker

Ah fuck off kelly you gimp

Hopefully the ref penalizes all throws from now on :roll_eyes:

Limerick back in this

Someone must have had a word with the ref.

Limerick will win by 6 here. Playing well within themselves.

Ref keeps limerick in agame yet again

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