Limerick v Kilkenny 2’19


Stood his groumd

Kyle Hayes destroying tj Reid

Fucking hell that one also very soft

Huw Edwards stood his ground

Another handy free for Limerick

This will be Cody’s greatest ever win if he somehow manages to pull it off

Cian Lynch is finished

He should be off now…

Nice flick out with the hurley from Hegarty there.

Limerick some divers

This ref is a disgrace


Bloody hell. All jokes aside this is a disgrace from the ref. He’s blowing up KK for stuff he is letting go from Limerick.


No ones joking mate, worst I’ve ever seen


Two clear kk fouls not called there.

Donnolly steps up

This lad makes Denton’s 89 performance look impartial almost. It’s the kindest thing I can say about him.

Nash being able to hurl is a big improvement

Deegan is ridiculously one sided. Hard to look at

This game is becoming very intinse altigether