Lionel Andres Messi

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Loves Barca
More than a club.

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That’s like 2.65m a week :flushed::flushed::flushed: fooking hell

He’ll own camp nou by the time he’s finished. It’s a disgrace.

This is the clubs fault not Messi. Sure anyone can ask for half a billion dollars, you generally get told to sling your hook when that happens. It’s their problem not Leo’s.

Agreed but Messi has some cheek giving out about the clubs lack of ambition and he bankrupting them at the same time :joy:

He’s a football player not a CFA. Ask for what you can get. They can only say no.

Absolutely. Fair play to him you’ve to get the best deal you can. But it’s a bit much to turn around and complain the club won’t spend money and they giving you €2.65m a week :joy:

We’ll have to agree to disagree pal. If a company is naive enough to give me half a bn and there’s 20 odd @mikehunt stooges on 30 grand a year with a pencil and battery calculator, tough titties. I’d also use the Leo you can’t get the help line.

Not exclusively Messi’s fault that they spent so much on Greizmann, Dembele and Coutinho and hired a load of dud managers.


Tremendous insight there buff

Well observed

Should you not be lowering the rope bucket down the basement at this time?

Ricky boy, you don’t land ever.

But it’s fun to watch you try.

You used the fish heads earlier, got it.

He demanded they signed most of those players.

What you got, no one wants Ricky

You should be OTBs Spanish correspondent bud.

Give them an extra ration of water tonight bro