Lionel Andres Messi

Messi! Messi! Messi! :notes:

What a touch.

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20 or more goals a year for 13 consecutive years

He’s not a leader. He’s destroying the club.

Barca will win the league

Ronaldo ducking in the wall vs Porto has destroyed his legacy.


Terrible season.

Happy Birthday Leo. :partying_face:

I’m not clicking that unless you confirm it’s a hooker


A free agent as of 9 minutes ago

It is done

Off to city I reckon

El Chiringuito is some craic the last few months

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Messi seems to be motoring well in the copa America. One goal and two assists last night in the quarter final win.

Helps its not a World Cup I guess

Against Ecuador. Let’s see how does it in knockout games against the big boys.

A constant disappointment to his countrymen