Lionel Andres Messi

It’s a mad world though where Richard Keys and Lionel Messi are on the same shopping list…

Piers Morgan and Cristiano Ronaldo are on the same shopping list.

Conor McGregor and the entire US Republican party and right-wing movement and media were both on Vladimir Putin’s shopping list.

Muhammad Ali was on the shopping list of Zaire’s dictator Mobutu.

Diego Maradona was on the shopping lists of Fidel Castro and the Camorra.

Pure talent will always be on the shopping lists of dictators, and so will shameless Lord Haw Haws.


Messi has lived more or his life in Spain than Argentina? Would he go back to a “local” club to finish his club career?

In fairness I’d say mbappe will have some roll call of cuntishness behind him in 12 years time. I’ll be flabbergasted if he’s winning world cups or performing at the top level at 35. The longevity of Messi and Ronaldo is by far their biggest achievement

Peak Mbappé was Sunday. Never again will he score a goal as devastating as that volley.

A goal that feels greater and greater every time you think about it. A game that feels greater and greater every time you think about it.

It is at the very least a live contender for the greatest game ever played.


Better than the first Liverpool v Newcastle game?

Barack Obama Mic Drop GIF

Outstanding post.

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Mbappe relies a good bit on blistering pace he’ll fall back into the pack around his late 20’s

The greatest games and greatest goals are about context. Liverpool v Newcastle could never be the greatest game of all time because it was a clash between the clubs which finished second and third in what was at that time about the fourth strongest league in Europe.

Dean Windass’s goal for Hull against Wycombe Wanderers by definition can’t be the greatest game of all time because it happened in the third or fourth tier of English football.

The greatest games and the greatest goals will invariably be in the matches that matter more than anything else, which usually means the knockout stages of the World Cup or Euros, or the latter stages of the Champions League.

You can’t get bigger than a World Cup final. The greatest World Cup final ever will be hard beaten when ranking the greatest games of all time.


This is worth a watch to sum it all up


There’s loads of articles and a book on Barca’s finances that verify @BruidheanChaorthainn 's claims apparently. A pity its impossible to find these articles and this book doesn’t seem to have a name apparently

He has you dancing all day long all the same

Check the hours between that post and my previous post, good lad

He’s been in your head all day. Gnawing at you from the inside out. It’s pouring out of you.

He needed the saudi money

Yes, he shouldn’t have made them do that, but equally you’re worth what you negotiate. He was probably thinking of the next 10 generations of his family.

Messi and Ronaldinho are basically responsible for the modern day status of Barcelona.

Arguably, Barcelona can never pay him enough for that.

The stuff on the signings is conjecture really, Barcelona signed plenty of shite, even under Pep.


Messi’s fault they’ve to chase the few bob with media rights I imagine

Ah fuck it it was class. Ewan would blame covid lockdowns

Messi has given me unbelievable enjoyment for well over 15 years. Fantastic to see him win the World Cup. A genius of a player. I’ve watched many world cups and have never seen a final capture the imagination like that. People I know who have no interest in soccer were talking about it. Shows the draw of Messi. People complaining about his greed. People like Messi are living in.a different universe to us.