Lionel Andres Messi

A sad day but he had no more worlds to conquer. At least he told the Saudis to fuck off

Is there an extra knock out phase when they increase the number of teams in the World Cup? Can picture them wheeling Christy out to break his duck against Eritrea in the phase of 128.


I’d say when you think about it, he’s probably never been able to walk around Barcelona since he was a kid.


When you realise you’ve made an awful mistake and she starts asking you to do the weekly shop

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Still the best player in the world

It’s like Lar Corbett on Tommy Walsh


Fuck sake, did we not teach you how to embed a tweet only last night?

He’s got a strange penchant for rapist footballers

Surely he heads back to Barcelona and rights the wrongs of his exit?

Could have to sell yamal because Messi held them to ransom.

It would a nice touch.

Fluvio admitted he was wrong about Messi. You don’t have to keep up this act anymore

He held the club to a kings ransom. Forced them to sign players or he’d push for a transfer.

He left when the game was behind closed doors too.

He should almost certainly come back and apologise to the fans at a minimum.

If they have to sell yamal it’ll be a very sad day for football.

Messi is the GOAT soccer player and up there with greatest athlete ever. I’m sure Bareclona forgive him.

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You do realise he was forced out the door when he was about to sign a new contract?

It should be him that’s forgiving Barcelona if anything