Liverpool FC 2014/15

Mon the reds.

Think both were offside to be fair.

About fucking time ref.

Despite the financial doping Liverpool competing with City. May rue those missed chances

The game is certainly there for the winning… Lack of a striker not aiding the cause.

Not happening for Markovic on the right. He’ll be hooked in a minute.

Have Liverpool run out of gas?

Not yet, consider my opinion retracted.
City look knackered though.

Boom. Coutinho announces his arrival to the big time.




He needs to patent that strike… his signature.

“Coutinho needs to improve his shooting” is the new “a rare headed goal from John Barnes”.

I had been giving a mate of mine dogs abuse as he had questioned Coutinho in the past.


I have a terrible feeling that City will equalise.

Have Liverpool gassed?

Much better to talk about that fear rather than keep it bottled up. Makes it less likely to happen.

Toure vs Toure

Fuck sake

Jesus. That was a heart stopping moment. Was certain Silva would score.