Liverpool Football Club 2013/14

Yeeeeeeesssssss fucking yeeeeeesssssssss!!!

Kompany is utter garbage.

You fuckubg Brasiluan beauty!!!

Coutinho you little beaut.:slight_smile: what a finish.


What an assist by Vinnie K and what a finish by Brazil’s top midfielder.


Kompany, you fucking mug.

Jeeziz, I can’t handle this

Get me a doctor. I’m going to have a Sean Connery.

My fucking nerves are gone … Time to open the bottle of whiskey

Keith Andrews is a very good radio co host / commentator

Jose Mourinho is delighted , surely Chelsea cant blow it now

Suck it to my veins.

Coutinho has been outstanding.

Gives away a dangerous free kick.

Five offsides in the last 20 minutes now for us.

Martin Tyler talks some scutter.

Five minutes. Fucks sake.

5 fucking minutes. Where did that come out off?

5 minutes!!! What the fuck?