Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

hes absolutely seething

Cicero really riled these KOKs I see.

Why are they so obsessed with him?

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This is truly tragic readingā€¦ A lad that canā€™t go a week without resigning from an internet forum or cant hold a conversation with the opposite sex without crying, wants the forum to believe he played semi pro football in a desperate attempt to deflect from being destroyed by Klopp and to excuse him bei g an EPL obsessive.

You havent the temperament for tiddly winks, not to mind soccer.


You seem upset. Go take a moment or two to compose yourself.

Another figment of your imagination.

Cicero is a great guy, very knowledgeable on football matters, but often let his bias or stubbornness cloud his judgements and comments.

I wish he was still around, truth be told.

Take your fake face off.

You forgot footix.


Jurgen Klopp is a class act and an absolute gentleman. If you told him about this place, heā€™d probably be a bit upset to hear how heā€™s ruining so many lives.

hed probably turn up at some storehouse in the galway area with a load of 2 day old silk shirts for the tytalian lads there

He would probably offer to come and visit @Cicero_Dandi and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy in their shared room in the Bayside Home for the Permanently Bewildered they live in.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy could show Coach Klopp his bicycle horn and maybe let him squeeze it.

Rodgers was the greatest ever in Scotland. Heā€™s getting found out in Leicester now.

Rodgers will struggle next year with Leicester in Europe.

Just like Celtic so.

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Second biggest audience ever on Sky Sports yesterday.

Liverpool. Are. Box. Office.

Strangely Manchester United were also playing for the biggest audience ever, spot the common denominator.

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What was the figure

What was the biggest ?


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