Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

Champions find a way. cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Second place secured for Liverpool with that win.

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Stability is key

All coming right again for the mentality giants.

handing out cocktail sausages and a few ham sangwdidz now in the ratoath inn. hopping.


Not for sale.

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Who is it not more than?

You lucky prick, big shout out to spuddy, lazer and the boys

All asking for you,we kept you a seat,I threw my raincoat over the stool.


Were Beanzy and Frosty in?

You’re a brave man, I’d say seats are at a premium these days :grinning:

Nope. Just Anto, Deco and Selfish Gianto out of that crew

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They were handing out the soup.

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You’d be well used to taking it

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Two gas lads.

Captain Guinness

  1. More. Wins.

Immortality beckons.

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These are wins at home yeah!!?? Weren’t they bate by Watford recently in the league.
It’s important to be absolutely accurate on t’internet as you know yourself. One mustn’t leave oneself open to correction or ridicule on these issues. :wink: