Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

Fairly hypocritical considering they backed Suarez


The club recently corrected itself and sent evra a letter of apology.
This was in the hicks and Gillett era.



It’s TRUE even carragher apologised for wearing the t shirt live on monday night football when both were doing punditry

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i think only Henderson survives from that episode?

Has he apologised?

Numerous times … He was centre to today’s events.

Different events can illicit what would appear to be contradictory reactions. Look at your good self - Calling on Liverpool fans form Ireland to remember the fan from Ireland killed at Heysel, but yet cheerleading for the absurdly light sentence handed out to Roma hooligan scumbag for that horrific attack on the Liverpool fan from Ireland, Sean Cox.

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Keep it on topic mate

I’ll bring up you glorifying women beaters otherwise

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The worst I heard was poor sean been called in a Roma coma.

But no one appreciates what klopp and the club have done in the past and will do in the future for the cox family.

And I would go as far as saying klopp has brought back the correct morals to the club.

What have they done for the Irish guy murdered at Heysels family?

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Patrick Radcliffe was Campbell College educated from East Belfast. I’d be surprised if he identified himself as Irish. He was a representative of the United Kingdom government with the EEC in Brussels.


I can only comment on what I have seen as heysel was a bit before my time.

You keep referring to him as Irish.

where are you going with this?

Liverpool driving some lads demented again and no football kicked for months. Fascinating to watch


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