Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

I’m alright Jack

Sure most of South limerick socialise in charleville. Left the screens up.

I completed the quiz 10/15 67% correct.

Footix alert

Cunt alert

Murderer alert

Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story :roll_eyes:

Do you condone violence or death at football stadia.

What about one of our own lads who went to see a football match was minding his own business and got a bang of a belt and was put into a induced coma or as everyone else calls it a Roma coma.

Their is no place in society for that carry on.

Would love to hear your opinion.

One of our own was murdered at Heysel

So it’s ok for a person(s) to go to a game and either come home either dead or half dead.

Hysel stadium was fit for no purpose the wall weak and it could of collapsed at any given time.

Your stating liverpool fans are murders and gloating about time.

Wobbles head.

They have the worst violence record of any club in the world yet you follow them

Please provide all stats of worlds worst behaved football fans.

Do you accept michael shields guilt?

No but I accept cold hard facts and stats how liverpool are the worst behaved fans in the world.

Power point will do.

Shields was found guilty

Smithers still refusing to condemn the scumbags from Roma that attacked Irishman, Sean Cox and left him with serious life changing injuries.


I’ve condemned it before mate

You have been found guilty of making a statement and not backing it up with facts.

Why were you cheerleading for the two scumbags that pleaded guilty to that sickening assault?

No other clubs fans, as far as I know, got their whole country banned from competing in Europe (or another continent) for 6 years. Liverpool even had an extra year added on for good measure in case anyone thought it was general behavior of English clubs. This has nothing to do with you should not matter one tiny bit to you but I imagine you’ll be thick enough that it was pointed out for some reason.