Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

It was great news He was convicted

Great news the sentence was appropriate too

Two year sentence for a life long brain injury yea that’s sufficient.

A life sentence for his wife children and grand children.

Imagine a grandchild asking why does grandad look different whilst looking at family photos.

This started and banter now it’s pure filth


It was a disgusting act

Poor guy

@Dubhub still hasn’t condemned what happened at heysel

Keep up kid.

It’s starting to ramp up now, you can feel it. Lads are getting tetchy at the thoughts of Liverpool winning the league and it’s beginning to eat them up inside.

They had a brief respite for a few months, in truth it’s probably what they needed to settle themselves. Hopefully in the next few weeks the HSE will be able to deal with the surge in mental breakdowns we are likely to see.


Its fascinating to watch all the Liverpool haters rolling out all this new material that’s never got an airing before.


They’ll be in a great position as well after they’ve the league wrapped up in a few games they can treat the rest of the season as a pre season tournament

I think a lot of them were hoping the FA. would go the same way as the Scots and award them the title. That way they’d be able to wheel out asterisk, comets and whatever else they could find to put after the title

Might even give curtis Jones a few run outs to get him that league medal

How many games do you need to have played?

All they have to do is put @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy moniker on it and we would all know.

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5 appearances from the bench or start to get a medal

Liverpool on the cusp of winning the league by a country mile has driven lads demented. Same fella’s will be saying the quality is poor despite the fact that less than 12 months ago it supplied the champions league and Europa league finalists😅

Fuck it. Roll out the young lads.

Harvey Elliot and Neco Williams might get medals too so.

Shur why not get as many medals as possible.
All it will do is drive up a price tag.


@mickee321 :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: