Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

Liverpool reaping what they sowed

Can’t do any worse.

Fucking hell, they can’t shoot for shit

Or fucking pass

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Salah a few minutes ago when Trent was in :roll_eyes:

What the fuck was he at? Just lay it off

Firmino had a great opening down the left a few mins ago and made a dogs dinner of it.

They’re all off the pace.

Liverpool don’t look like scoring even if the game lasts to midnight

A dodgy pelanty or two is their only hope

Not a hope

The absence of a conventional No.9 finally starting to catch up on them. Haven’t had a poacher since Daniel Sturridge was in his prime in 2014.

Liverpool just need a good rest

They haven’t a hope of getting a pelanty off that cunt

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Southampton to score on the break.

Trent gave the ball away 38 times

(Thirty eight)

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Oh that woulda been funny

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Allison is a complete liability.

Southampton doing what they like here