Liverpool Football Club 2023/24

Winning one was a great achievement considering all the obstacles put in his way. He had to rely on his only outfield player over 15 to score 2 goals to win one nil today.


Iā€™m in Dublin. Iā€™ve had a feed of pints and Iā€™ve a gig to go to later.



No sign of the pyjamas crew :thinking:


Unreal to have two of our own lead Liverpool to victory in a cup final. Kweev was immense. Gushing praise there from VVD at the end.

Great to see King Kenny sharing a moment with young Harv at the end there. Liverpool is cross-generational. It brings us all together.


Sew it into any Chelsea Cunt you see mate

This is the greatest day of my life.

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Did me woman know Luiz hasnt a word of English. :joy:

Oh nevermind, she did :sweat_smile:

Yeah, the kids whoā€™ve won their first senior trophy at 18 years of age will be put right back in their box

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Ah mate

Nyoni only 16 too and he with a winners medal

Andy Gray is a very good pundit

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Ah bro

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The best the EPL has seen.

The woke crew blackguarded him

Iā€™m reading that the average age of the Liverpool starting XI was 24.4 with no teenagers in the starting XI. The youngest starters were two 20 year olds.

I read somewhere else (I canā€™t remember where as it was so long ago) that the Chelsea team was actually younger.

Brought on 3 teenagers in Clark, McConnell and Danns and a fella who was under Joey Bartonā€™s tutelage at Bristol Rovers this time last year (Quansah).

The pyjama crew are scrambling furiously to look for some sort of ā€˜but but butā€™ slant.


I didnā€™t watch the match. Reading all the comments about kids and school tomorrow, I was thinking we were witnessing the reincarnation of the Busby Babes. Instead, it appears that Liverpool fielded quite an experienced starting XI with an average age of 24.4.

Iā€™ve since read that the starting age of the Chelsea starting XI was over a year younger than Liverpool, at 23.3.