Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

You donā€™t need to go into the mountains


I donā€™t like to recommend shoes to others cos we all have different shapes, running styles, etc


Iā€™ve done three runs in these (approx 30+ km) and Iā€™m very happy with them. The lugs arenā€™t as deep as my other trail shoes so didnā€™t think theyā€™d be well suited to particularly technical ground, especially very mucky terrain. But theyā€™re working well and are very comfortable. To me theyā€™re a very good shoe for someone getting into trail running; light enough for running on the forestry fire roads, but still aggressive enough for some open mountain and well able to work through MTB trails. You could start getting more adventurous and these shoes will still look after you if all youā€™re doing is a bit of forestry trail work at the moment. If youā€™re looking at exclusively running open mountain terrain, then something from Inov-8, Salomon or even Hokaā€™s Speedgoat might be a better option, but if youā€™re looking for something that can handle a mix of terrain, I must say this is a definite option.

The paleness of the legs on display here make me uneasy.



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True, theyā€™re pure pasty, they donā€™t look so bad in real life, Iā€™ve really only worn long pants to work for the past 12 months an all :man_shrugging:

Tried to give this a rattle again to see how the hamstring held up. Went fine but conditions and lack of training went against me. Was hoping to get sub 45 but the last 2k were killer into the wind. 45:27 (3 seconds behind previous time).


Itā€™s a good run all things considered.
Iā€™m back doing decent mileage @Locke etc but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be ready to go at full tilt by next weekend, will probably have enough to beat my previous time but it d say an all out 10k would st me back


Ya overall i was very happy with it.
I knew after the first 10m I was in better form. Ive lost the motivation a bit the past few weeks. Do we have until the end of next weekend?

Yeah until the bank holiday Monday I believe

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Iā€™ll try a 10km hopefully during the week. Itā€™ll be out the door, no warm up and just tear into it. Iā€™ll go for the sub 48, but with recent stomach and ankle issues, I would be happy out with a time around 50. If I can avoid road running for the rest of the year after that, Iā€™d be happy.

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I see a couple of questions as to when the 10km challenge will finish, itā€™s 23:00 on Easter Monday. One clarification to make is that your time is posted before this time, I can see from the last challenge they were coming in the next day, please have them in before 23:00 and Iā€™ll post the final times up like they do in the UK at Election Day. Any times in after that time will be deemed null and void.

I thank you.


Stop with the pale shaming

The pale legs were running, up the green mountain
The night was declining, beneath the Irish Sea
As you strolled with Xavier, to the pure crystal fountain
That made you @caulifloweredneanderthal the rose of Cooley


You have 55:41 in the bank already so this is the number that weā€™ll use until you SMASH it this week.

had the auld Underarmour plodders on, iā€™ll have to get the race shoe out for the coming week

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Here is my effort, slower than I expected but Shure itā€™s done anyway.


Iā€™m not gonna make it I dont think. Went for it yesterday but fucked my hamstring. Wont have time for another go.


Set out to do it this afternoon. Got a massive stitch at 6.5k which I got over and then just completely blew up at 8k. Took my medicine and left it rather than forcing myself through it. Got the pace just about right for a change but Iā€™d say itā€™ll be a 48:30 rather than sub 48. One more attempt at the weekend Iā€™d say


Youā€™re doing 3k warm up runs like youā€™re Yifter

Shake your legs out and start running fast :+1:

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50m warm up run

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