Given that there were no significant changes made to the unit, to its plumbing or anything else, why did the incident rate not stay the same after LL left as it was during LL’s time there? This sort of logic would be my interest.
The fact that the unit’s incident rate fell back to normal ratios when LL was on holiday might also be a hint to people not invested in peculiar degree about LL’s ‘innocence’.
Davis is for some likely deviant reason pushing this. He’s an absolute creep, a liar, a fantasist and an arrogant buffoon of the very highest order. He also looks smelly.
Downgrading the unit and adding extra consultants seem like significant changes and they coincided exactly with Letby’s departure from the unit.
He added that after the Countess of Chester’s neonatal unit was downgraded to a “level one unit” after June 2016, two more consultants were added, which was “indicative” of prior staffing pressures.
Staff ‘calmer and more confident’ after unit downgrade
In July 2016, about the time the RCPCH was asked to conduct its review, management at the CoC downgraded its neonatal unit to a level-one special care unit. This limited the premature babies that it took into its care to those born at 32 weeks’ gestation or over, an age where the medical complications and risks were much lower.
The RCPCH team found the unit more suited to that level, stating that “staff reported feeling calmer and more confident and morale/sickness has improved … The consultants also reported that in the two months since the change, infants have been sick but recovered as expected.”
Letby had been removed from the unit, coinciding with the downgrading to a lower level. The number of deaths fell thereafter.
None of this is an argument. But it is a demonstration that you’re scared somebody you don’t like might be right about something very important and you might be wrong.
There are many serious people other than David Davis expressing serious concerns about these verdicts.
Davis is 76 and has no chance of ever being Tory leader.
Sometimes MPs push to highlight cases where they strongly believe there is an injustice. It’s an integral part of what MPs should do. Chris Mullin did it with the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six and this is no different in principle.
It’s horrible and she might have done it (but I have my doubts). But the issue is the conviction. For me you can’t convict someone beyond reasonable doubt when there’s so much doubt even amongst the experts.
Personally she doesn’t seem like a serial killer to me either. The MO changes too much. She lets too many live. It just doesn’t fit
The insulin evidence is damning. There is no credible reason to think the tests in this regard – whatever David Davis’ guff – were deficient in several instances. LL herself could give no credible explanation of this factor.