Lucy Letby - innocent?

“Why me?”, “I haven’t done anything wrong”

Are other quotes from the diary but you can’t use some quotes and totally disregard the others unless it’s in support of a preconceived notion

My gut feeling is she’s not guilty, there was most likely no crime committed at all and that the unit was an absolute clusterfuck. That’s my gut.

I don’t know how anybody who considers groupthink, group dynamics, motives of narrow self interest, illusion of expertise or malign motive can dismiss the idea that miscarriages of justice can and do regularly happen. Jury members can be unserious or disinterested. Defendants can have shite representation. People can be lazy, selfish, immoral cunts.

We see the effect of all this these dynamics on politics and general public discourse across pretty much every issue, every “news story”. Why is it so hard to imagine it happening in the judicial process?

Again, none of this is to say that this is definitely the case here. Just because these things have happened in other cases doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve happened here. But it seems to me there’s more than enough smoke to genuinely suspect they have.

What I don’t understand is why some people have decided to be so performatively “certain” that none of this has happened in the Letby case.

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For it to be waffle, there would have to be no cases of unsafe verdicts or miscarriages of justice in the entirety of human history,

In the context of the rest, That reads to me as ‘I was a good person, why did my life turn to shit?’ ‘why me’…‘To feel this way that it has made me do all of this’ that’s more how I’d read it when in among the ‘I did it’.

I think she’s probably someone who became ground down and lost all judgement and perspective and found relief in the sympathy she was receiving and enjoyed empathising with the bereaved.

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Would you let her babysit?

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My Mam was a midwife for twenty odd years and got completely sick of it. She reckoned someone had to be at something given the statistics albeit she conceded she worked in an era when women had children younger and therefore fewer complications would come along

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Argument by avalanche – as I exactly said: “the entirety of human history”.

On your logic, in that sentence, the fact that Kerry won a Senior hurling All Ireland in 1891 would mean they are likely to win 2025’s All Ireland SHC Final.

You keep saying this but it seems extremely unlikely.

Again, entirely plausible but not beyond a reasonable doubt

Again, I’ll raise roy meadows

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You a very naively positive view of human beings.

Em, no

Erm, yes.

Would a cold blooded serial killer write a diary like that and leave it to be found? Seems very unlikely. If she was one of those “angel of death” types, she’d more likely to write about justifying her actions.

The more I think and read about this case the more I think she’s innocent.

Yeah, she knew the deaths were being investigated and she had already been questioned by the police so why did she leave the notes and documents lying around if they were so incriminating? She could have easily got rid of a load of stuff if she wanted. After all, she is supposedly a master manipulator and liar who had already falsified numerous medical records in the hospital to cover her tracks.

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Exactly. It’s just not consistent with this malevolent, calculated monster

She’s clearly innocent.

Would you let her babysit

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My mrs won’t let her own sisters babysit

Thanks…but that isn’t what I asked