Manchester United Football Club Thread 2019/20

The second one is absolutely dreadful defending alright. Gets caught square and done for pace. Again De Gea doesnā€™t cover himself in glory there either does he.

The first one, he gets done on the end line, fair enough, but wheres wan bissaka on the cover. Maguire has already had a couple of interventions, why is he having to chase his own clearance across the box. Where are the rest of his defenders.

United have huge problems at the back. Maguire is the least of their worries.

He was absolutely superb in the World Cup. He has it all. Attacks the ball well. Reads the game. Strong. Has leadership. Can play ball too. Having only about 10 centre backs you can list in the world as better than you isnā€™t much of an argument against being world class.

Also Jerome Boateng is an absolute cabbage of a defender. To have him on that list is seriously worrying

He was Englandā€™s best player in the last World Cup in fairness but heā€™s well below any of those players mentioned. He makes a lot of errors while looking very good most of the time

That Bergwjin lad just ran around him a few weeks ago.

Maguire is decent but mentioning him in the same breath as Godin or VVD is plain wrong

I could list more ā€¦ that was just an example ā€¦ Iā€™m largely in agreement but I think heā€™s typical of England in that heā€™s blown up to be more than he isā€¦ Englandā€™s WC run was handy in fiarnessā€¦ but centre halves really start coming into their own about 28-34/35 - I think heā€™s only just gone 27 which is young for his position - heā€™ll have another good 8 years ahead of him.

Maguire seems to get crucified a lot of the time. I donā€™t get it. He isnā€™t bomb proof but no centre backs are, especially with the quality of attacking teams these days.

VVD seems to get a pass for mistakes as well. Its covered up because he bas better defenders alongside him and a top goalie.

I think heā€™s top quality anyway, Iā€™d have him over Boateng every day of the week


Have you ever played in front of a goalie whoā€™s nerve had gone. Thatā€™s what it looks like with De Gea for me. Itā€™s a fucking nightmare for a back 4

I did pal ā€“ his nerves were gone because of me tho.


Itā€™s fairly obvious why he gets crucified. Heā€™s the most expensive defender in the world and he makes a lot of errors. It would be much worse for him if he wasnā€™t English

He turns like a canal boat and has a stupid nose. Heā€™s a cod.


Defenders make mistakes.

I would say VVD has a much better supporting cast around him to cover them.

Maguire has to worry about a Lindelof/Bailly partnership and then two full backs who are liable to do anything. Wan Bissake is very green and Shaw is and always has been a poor defender

his nose is ridiculous

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The Liverpool defence wasnā€™t anything special until Van Dijk came. Doubt you could make this kind of video about Van Dijk either and this is from before his most recent errors

TAA is a piss poor defender. Robertson is slightly better. Van Djik makes everyone around him look better.

TAA has improved massively defensively over the last 18 months - heā€™s still a converted midfielder but he wouldnt be in any premier league team if he was piss poorā€¦ Be interesting to see if heā€™s pushed on next year and Williams is made regular RB.

This notion that TAA canā€™t defend is a nonsense too. Heā€™s a fine defender. He just happens to be better going forward.

Kyle Walker is a poor defender.

Iā€™ve always found the moving TAA into midfield argument to be completely nonsensical. Firstly, heā€™s never played there at senior level but more importantly the best thing about him in his crossing from wide areas. Liverpool would lose one of their main attacking weapons

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VVD has pace and will back himself to win a foot race against most - he makes mistakes but can generally get himself back into position to get a foot inā€¦

Agreed - I dont think heā€™s an out and out midfielder - but Klopp is constantly re-jigging what he has - you might see him play more advanced rather than in midfield

Harry Maguire is a decent defender, good in the air etc. He has a major flaw though, if you run at him he turns like a combine harvester. He needs a fast CB beside him, and like all centre halves he would benefit from some better cover in front of him.
Basically he needs a better partner to cover some of his defensive gaps.
VVD to be fair is playing in a much better side that defend from the front and have three lads in centre mid running around like lunatics closing everything down. VVD therefore gets far less opportunities to be exposed. He also has far better players playing alongside him at centre half. That said VVD is a far better player than him. Heā€™s a great turn of foot and heā€™s one of those defenders whoā€™s just always in the right place. He makes a huge amount of interceptions in every game, that look like nothing moments, but another centre half just doesnā€™t make them.
Maguire does a lot of lost ditch defending. VVD never lets it get that far.
As Maldini said, if youā€™ve to make a tackle itā€™s because youā€™ve already made a mistake