Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

Ah here

Sometimes you have to know when a relationship is toxic. Onana has seen the inside of old trafford and has smelt the stink and seen the leaks.

Oblak be nuts to leave Madrid to go there, but when you’re being offered the sort of money they can, its hard to turn it down, even if the entire place is toxic.

hell be hitting the road soon, in his F1 car

They could get Ramsdale in.

The first choice Arsenal keeper is hardly gonna sign for united? Wasn’t the benching on Sunday tactical? Arteta has a massive hard on for the prospect of rotating keepers. I reckon he’ll sub one in a game one of these days.

He’s only letting Ramsdale down gently.


I refuse to live in a world where Jamie Carragher is right.

I’m rotating between Buffon and Casillias on Cm 01/02 and it’s going very well



Maybe Liverpool will sell them Kweveen Kelleher?

Sancho staying up till 3am playing PlayStation and reporting late to Carrington :joy:

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He’s like Memphis depay. They put him out in some gated community and he’d no idea how to cook or drive so he flew a friend over from Holland and they played PlayStation and ate takeaway pizzas all day.

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I don’t know. Looking at the fixtures before the season started you could see very clearly that Man City would win their first 7 games. Now if you have a stuttering start and have 10/11 points on the board after 7 games then you may as well forget about the title because you’re not reeling in 10 points on that City team. Maybe 20 years ago you could start slowly and build up momentum but nowadays you need to be hitting 90+ to have a realistic chance against Man City.


The lads think theyre in the French league and can start putting a run together around November.


Jim is starting to resemble that fella who tried to buy united back in the late 80s



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Jim is substantially more hateful than the glazers. I hope they rinse him.


Seems Ajax have completely fell apart since ten hag left