Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

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Great having a captain that drives Liverpool fan into such a state of rage.

They cant stop talking about Bruno-oooo!

rage, im laughing at you and bruno. the captain who tried to get himself subbed off against liverpool

Bruno Fernades is the perfect captain for united at this stage of both their evolutions.

I wish them all the luck they both deserve.


This fella is of dubious character. Not the man you want in the trenches. Grand for slotting home a penalty when you’re 4-0 up

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Ah lovely. He got frustrated at positional switches caused by substitutions and by his side’s complete capitulation. He cares too much.

If I were you, I’d be more concerned at the Liverpool captain doing a 360 on his support of LGBTQ+ and human rights issues to leave his role and chase the Saudi cash - that meant more.

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the whataboutery, the spelling mistakes. all you need now is to beg one of the pyjama boys to sub you off the thread because youre taking such a beating and are seething.

also hendo is a cunt for taking the saudi coin. if oyu support the LGB xommunity theres no way you could go to saudi

Pot, Kettle, Bulk…


so youre the pyjama boy the croppy/bruno has begged to be subbed off for

The pyjama klaxon has sounded


Ah lovely. Please don’t point out the issues in my family when I criticise yours.

Look mate, if you’re gonna abuse a fella for as shite a reason as spelling, then check your own spelling.

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i addressed the issue of hendo, unless you missed it in your state of apoplexy . you keep ignoring the issues with fernandes

im seething that hendo took the saudi coin. crappy is seething that people are questioning the dubious moral fibre of fernandes

I’m not seething whatsoever. I cane onto the thread for Man Utd to express my happiness that Bruno is the new club captain.

You’re the one that felt the need to run to a Utd thread because the same player gets under your skin.Stage 11 seething behaviour

Return Of The Jedi Episode 6 GIF

You know there’s little to stand on the argument on when spelling is a point of attack.

youre an awful gowl for dragging juhy in when hes on his holliers

You mean 180?

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Correct. A 360 would suggest that he pivoted back to his original stance/opinion.