Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

Great timing. Very instrumental in helping Liverpool win the League and FA Cup finals a couple of years ago.

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He’ll be turning his grave now that the UAE have bought off the top EPL refs with highly paid junkets to ref a few challenge matches out there

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The murders won’t have experienced anything like old Trafford today. I’d be expecting a comfortable win if hojlund is fit and we’ve two fit full backs,

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Have to get the tactics right today- big question is whether to go to the pub or not

I played it safe.

I’m going to the pub and the match.


Klopp always wilts under pressure. If United get stuck in from the very start Liverpool will kloppapse.

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I want to be in the pub for this

A tasty 7/2 with PP


Best of luck to all Man United fans today, hope ye enjoy the game


Come On You Know

Bruno could teach that young lad a lot about crying!


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They couldn’t find any kids to walk out with the Liverpool team

Get stuck
In lads

Nice banner from presumably from the Man U gay supporters group

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In fairness, they’ve played in 3rd division obsolete stadia before

Nice touch by Bruno carrying the kid out there. Seemed to put the little fella at ease. Maybe he should’ve been a school teacher


He handled that better than I thought he would. Thought he was gonna just throw his hands in the air and drag him out

Kloppp pulled mo Salah from international duty but he starts today. Some message to send about the importance of international football.