Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Eh? A lot worse than the inside of a house gets sent around WhatsApp bud.

a woeful prick man.

But it’s either a fire man or cop took those pictures I’d say and sending them around.

Maybe, not certain. Could have easily been a neighbour.

People have wanted the cunts out for ages. All sorts of scummery going on and it beside caherdavin school.

two wrongs don’t make a right


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There’s bigger issues here than a fella sending around pictures of a house lads. Fucking hell, perspective.

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I can’t imagine how the house must feel waking up this morning with intimate pictures of themselves circulating.

I’m sure the revenge porn legislation covers this

“Spare a thought for the landlords lads”

Would be tough on the kids from the house in school definitely. That’ll be something flung at them.

Tusla should surely have been stepping in there.

apparently Tusla or the guards can’t do much about it, unfortunately. There was a discussion on it on another thread, a few informed posters laid it out.

What kind of a prick would you have to be to distribute those images

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If Tusla and guards can’t do much might highlighting the atrocious conditions the kids are in force the state to act in some capacity? The parents are not fit to be in charge of children and you wouldn’t let a dog live in those conditions.

Was this on some other forum?

You sure about there being kids there? Only one child related to them and being brought up by the mother iirc

Not certain only what I was told by guy whose parents live in very close proximity.

Anyone see or hear what happened outside st nessans NS this afternoon. I drove up and had to turn around the guards had it blocked both ways all I saw was a battered audi in the middle of rhebroad and a damaged garda car on the back of a repair truck. There was a lot of guards around and unmarked cars

Sounds like a typical day in Limerick.

Very sad, RIP.