Michael Cleary

how very pc of you

Do you celebrate Christmas Flano?

Celebrate it? I enjoy the time of work the class programmes on the tv and the drinking sessions so in that sense I do “celebrate” it.

Well in theory you should be like a Jahovas witness at Chrimbo and not accept any presents or buy anybody else presents.

Why? That makes no sense.
Christmas is a commercial holiday.

Hallmark would make Jesus’s 100th Shit of the year a commercial holiday. Christmas is not a commercial holiday, it’s a religous holiday, being a non-catholic you should not celebrate it.

I shouldnt “celebrate” the fact I get time off work, have some good sessions and I get a few presents. Why not?

And don’t try and make out christmas is a religious holiday

It’s a celebration of the birth of Christ of course it’s a fooking religious holiday, why do you think Jews, Jahovas witnessess, muslims abstain from the celebrations!!

By all means celebrate your time off work, but I’m saying if you don’t believe in God you should not have that celebration, your just lucky enough to live in a predominantely Catholic country.

I dont celebrate the birth of Jesus. I enjoy christmas as the commercial spectacle that it is. Sleigh bells ring are ya listenin…

Santa. Now theres something I can celebrate. Ho ho ho

While we’re on the topic of Jesus, Darth Vader was born concieved purely through medichlorines.

‘Living with the Clearys’ is on RTE 1 now…

Crafty old rogue. Nice young wan on his arm, bit of mass of a sunday, poker, fags, GAA, horses, what more could a fella want.