Mickee Sullivans expenses on limerick county board

Looking for an estimate on his total expenses since he was elected in 2007. It is allowable to round to the nearest thousand

I’ve heard 250k since 2007.

Half a mil?


he is a gga volunteer after all

Nice Cheque for Mickee this year. County Board. Munster Council. West Board.

the west board are delighted allright

There is a fine west bank balance. They will be fine

Mickee diverted the attention from his own expenses by whinging about Hawkeye this year.


Mickee deserves a tribunal

At it again you tool. Sure isn’t mickey a safe vote for all you fuckers, so why put him on here in public you devious cunt?

Say that to my face

You have no idea how much I would like to do that you abhorrent, loathsome cunt. I’d wipe the sneer from you face quickly enough.

Violence is not the solution

No more

Once more that should read you thick cunt.

Once more so

Who cares ya jealous fuck. More power to Mickey. Good man, excellent coach.
And it was JP who footed the bill anyway.

Now fuck off.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1113400, member: 273”]Who cares ya jealous fuck. More power to Mickey. Good man, excellent coach.
And it was JP who footed the bill anyway.

Now fuck off.[/QUOTE]

What did he coach?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1113400, member: 273”]excellent coach.


You definitely have the wrong man there mate.

No wonder limerick are such failures and under achievers.