More GAA Shame

There was at least 5 threads for Kyle. I giess we are the only show in town

What were the 5 threads?

Would you like to post it to another two threads? Would that make you feel better? Should Dublin drop the tramp from a team he’s not on? Did the Dublin manager come out and defend Connolly for kicking a kid in the head?

Can you try clarify what you want here?


Nope Connelly has been dealth with by the coirts. That is enough no point in making him or dublin suffer any consequences on the field

Maybe he wants Connolly to change his plea and drag the victims and state through an expensive trial on the state.


@Locke - why do @TheLimericks always have to make it about themselves?


So you had no point other than to draw further attention to Hayes act of thuggery?

Double standards from the main posters that wete commenting on Hayes. In fairness you address both equally

Did anybody call for Connolly to be glassed in the eye?

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Connolly appears to have pleaded guilty, saving the victims the necessary rigmarole of a prolonged court case,
Scummy behaviour but he took his punishment


So there hasnt been a call to glass him in the eye as there was for kyle?

Probably not, that’s quite a specific benchmark :man_shrugging:

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It is for sure! A benchmark for Kyle on his own

Be interesting to see the Dodgers case next year eh? :popcorn:


Ah DJ isn’t from Limerick!

Thankfully, id rather have lads flaking each other than conning pensioners out of thousands, we will leave that craic to the Tipp and Kilkenny lads.


Dublin always produced a better class of scumbag than the likes of Limerick

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Missed this. What did Hayes do?

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A benchmark set on this place no less. Are you surprised?

Careful now youll draw some anti dublin criticism on yourself

RTE news : ‘Speaking up’: How a dream football course became a nightmare

Obviously Collins was originally a hurler or handballer.