Most Original way of getting a hot birds attention

My mate just filled me in on a moment of madness I had recently in Iskanders. In order to get the attention of some hot bird, no I, didnt shout at her, I didnt politely offer her my seat nor did I try a cheesy line.

I, in a moment of transcendental clarity, wrapped my wrapper up into a ball and threw it at her ;D

Genius hi5

Anyone got any others?

Give her a wet willie.

Ah that brings back memorys. That 6 month period where I was always throwing food wrappers, and sometimes the food, at people. Yahup.


flano, surely you must cringe reading that now?

Nah, I’ve got balls the size of grapefruits.

Food fights are not uncommon in this city of ours

Uncultured oafs

The best thing is having to watch those minimum wage fooks cleaning up after me while I spit on them. WAHEY!


[quote=“Flano”]My mate just filled me in on a moment of madness I had recently in Iskanders. In order to get the attention of some hot bird, no I, didnt shout at her, I didnt politely offer her my seat nor did I try a cheesy line.

I, in a moment of transcendental clarity, wrapped my wrapper up into a ball and threw it at her ;D

Genius hi5

Anyone got any others?[/quote]


not all people on the minimum wage are of a different race kev:rolleyes:

Whats wrong with this fella???

Who do you think are the best looking race?

The Irish? The Americans? The fast food workers?

What the fuck.

[quote=“Bandage”]Who do you think are the best looking race?

The Irish? The Americans? The fast food workers?

What the fuck.[/quote]


Ye missed it lads, don’t worry.

Here. If Dickie Rock can do it so can I.

have you maybe considered that the reason your balls are big as grapefruit is because of your failure to get your hole which in turn is because of your behaviour around birds.

throwing rubbish at them might be hilarious but its probably also the reason you are still a virgin.

Ask your Ma, she knows the score

:clap: Quality put-down. That put him back in his box!

The only box anyone is going in is all the muldoons in their coffins.