Movies with good sex scenes

Saw “Sankes on a plane” recently, there was a great sex scene in it.

Other ones that spring to mind are “Crash” and “bound” (great lesbo scene in that one)

Also, have heard that Halle Berry gets a good pasting in “monster ball”, anyone seen this one??

Any other contenders??

Think “A Clockwork Orange” might fit in with your theme.

Its not bad for its time, there are some good scenes with “a bit of the old in-out, in out”

Which reminds me (if i may divulge for a moment) of two classic scenes in it:

The “droogies” are sitting in that cryptic milk lounge and two of them get into a bit of an argument and yer man says: “Watch that Dim, do watch that if to continue living thou doth wish” then Dim says (in an unfathomable gesture of irreverance) “Yarbles. Great big bouncy yarblockos to you. I’ll take you with fist or nolchooks”

And another great scene is where he is in the prison/institution and some guy of importance (think its the home secretary or the justice minister) visits the prison and inspects a parade of prisoners. He’s been escorted by that gay prison guard around the ranks and he’s talking about how the prisoners are the scum of the earth and are unrepentant. Then the main guy in the film (Billy or Mr Orange i think he’s called) says out of turn “Youre absolutely right sir.” Then the gay prison warden screaaaams: “SHUT YOUR BLEEDIN HOLE.” An epic movie…

Also another one is “Heidi has hairy penis fingers”, its one of the german pornos i have at home its filthy. The first have of it is her giving a lad a hand job and a blow, then he gets it on and gives her a rattle. It all goes down hill in the second part where the emphasis is on anal. He starts putting his fingers up her, and then some light kitchen utensils. Then Heidi’s mother walks in (did i mention Heidi is 13?) and it was raining so he takes the umbrella off her mother, beats the mother unconcious and then ramms the umbrella up her gicker. World class

your back, good man!!!

i think someone had logged in as you for a while

its world class, a bit tongue in cheek, i mean tongue between cheeks. im on a ronnie walker now thinking about it

Have you seen it? - the movie that is…

monster’s ball is definitly worth a gander if you’re into Halle Berry… or angry sex in general!
Billy bob thorn thing gives her a right pounding indeed
and in fairness she loved it! very believable if not the real thing

Hi superleeds

Thanks for that. I can see your doodle

Digress even?

And if I may digress (Or divulge my thoughts?) for a moment, thanks for some more utterly pointless contributions to what is generally an informative, entertaining and thought provoking website.

It looked for maybe a day that things had changed, that you could even post coherent sentences…stuff that made sense. Fook it even the top post in this thread is reasonable, but then normal service was duly resumed. Bullshit flowing from the Ball Ox.

Ah, we need the variety, it cant be all sweetness and light.

As long as he posts the odd cracking post like the ‘on the menu’ one, i’ll stick by him.

Ball Ox, you are some fooking cooooooool. That is all. Cooool.

Bandage you cowardly cooooooNT. That is all. CooooooNT.

Sorry Apendage but we arent all boarding school lads, go back to Booterstown

What a thread, pity it died away so easily

Back on topic anyway “Movies with good sex scenes”

American Psycho

Not very original, but Basic Insinct has to be in there, and the bit at the beginning of Disclosure is alright as well, despite not being very hardcore or graphic.

Roman Polanski’s -Bitter Moon
has some great scenes with emmanuell seigner for “gentleman at leisure”

Requiem for a dream.

It was recommended to me for this reason.

Haven’t seen it yet though…

Don’t remember any in that which means it couldn’t have been great

Confessions of a Driving Instructor

farmerinthecity wrote:

Don’t remember any in that which means it couldn’t have been great

Confessions of a Driving Instructor

Requiem for a dream?

Was there not a lesbian dildo scene in it? I was told there was