Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

That’s a woeful decision. He is so excited at giving frees he isn’t bothering to wait for a foul to happen now.


The greatest steps up, TK

Manbuns head is gone

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A good handpass from TK and a goal was on there.


Cool heads :clap:t2:

Hurl dropped on purpose there by Tom Morrissey

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Lohan will kill some cunt

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Charging surely?

Hero shit from TK, foolish

Soft as fuck

Clare got a yellow card for doing the same thing a few minutes ago :thinking:

Klare being rode raw.


Hayes this time, Clare got a yellow card for doing the same thing a few minutes ago


Fitzgerald was done there. That’s a free.

Its actually shocking

Ah here lads. Lyons has lost it

Ah lads. If I was a Clare fan I’d be seriously pissed off here. Red raw.

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This is disgusting lads. It really is

He hasn’t, he is reffing it exactly as he intended.

This blaguard should never be allowed ref another game