Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Fair enough, and if anybody says he shouldn’t start against Clare then it’s a fair point.
But he had to start yesterday after the Waterford performance, what sort of message are you sending otherwise.
Anyway, how bad was he last night, it didn’t stick out to me that he was being destroyed or anything, no more than most,

I think outside of Limerick, Cork have the personnel to win.

I find that hard to believe.

Davy Fitz is complete whackjob at this stage. How can’t you see this? :smile:
I’d be critical of how slow they move the line, other than that PR has them playing with a bit spirit. Given how short the pick what more we ask for?

There was an interview process but Pat was always going to be the one and rightly so if he showed interest. Cork are night and day better than last year and doing it without O Donoghue, Coleman and Connolly and you could throw Robbie O Flynn into that too considering how little he’s played or will play this year.

I would agree, there’s real potential in this crop coming through but it will take time. We’re not anywhere near it yet.


Based on last night, they’re nowhere near it


The heart they played with is a massive positive and credit to Pat Ryan for this.

I was delighted with the result last night. A lot more positives and negatives. The next two games (as I said previously), will be the litmus test as to how much progress we have made from last year.

Very few teams have the pace of this cork team. Its frighthening when in full flow. If they can get other facets in sync with this, they will take a lot of beating.

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Nah the balance is way off - who is our player to win a few puck-outs? There is a clear lack of physicality throughout the team. Dominant half-backs? Tight corner-backs?

Clare have a much better balanced team for example.

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Everyteam left (Limerick excepted,) have issues.

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Are you messing or serious?


We haven’t a pot to piss in

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Clear that the likes of Tipp, Galway and even KK and in particular Clare have things lined up much better than we do.

Again, you ignore the question of who exactly PR has missed out? In a better world, TOC and BR would be eased into things more slowly, we wouldn’t have to rely on a makeshift full-back, Joyce would have more leadership around him, Rob Downey and Fitzgibbon wouldn’t start and we wouldn’t have to rely on Harnedy for ballwinning and Horgan for scores.

He has not missed out on anyone. The best players are involved. Some are injured and his hand will obviously be strengthened once they return.


PR should have started Brian Hayes, TO’M and Sean Twomey(if fit) up front in every league game just to see exactly where they’re at. They have the size to physically compete. What was there to lose? Farting around with the likes of Barrett and Lehane was wasted opportunity.

Theres plent of other obvious concerns goalie/halfbackline ect but they dont have readymade options.

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And until you get the top table run properly, they will inhibit the ability of all senior set ups succeeding.

Sean Twomey and Brian Sullivan had fine Fitzgibbon campaigns and in an ideal world would have got more league time and could have been on the first 15 were it not for injuries. Cormac O Brien did little wrong during the league and has more speed and bulk than Downey at wing back. O Callaghan and Cathal Cormack were good during the league too in the corners. The other Roche as well.

There’s plenty talent on the panel and on the fringes. It is frustrating as it is clear there is something there but it will take time. A lot of lads are unlearning a stale style of hurling and new lads are getting up to the speed of Senior hurling as well as learning a new style.

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I mean, two of those three were injured and Hayes got a load of game time. No offence to the lad, he did well but he is a bit of a mollocker. Mind you so was Cooper, so hopefully Hayes will develop but that handpass he gave to Fitzgibbon yesterday was almost sacrilegious. I know he is a footballer first and foremost but even Aidan Walsh had more hurling than him.

Shane Barrett running 20 yards into a block when he had all that time to steady and shoot was the most frustrating thing I saw last night

You say that but Roche, ED and TOC were the best of the new lads in the league but Roche and TOC looked like they aren’t up to standard (yet) yesterday. And I don’t think Cormack or the other Roche really impressed much in the league. Twomey and BOS picked up injuries in the latter part of the league, very hard to put them into championship hurling at this stage.

Cormac O’Brien looks very loose imo, doubt he is an improvement over what we have, and I don’t think NOL is a top class corner back by any stretch of the imagination. O’Callaghan was also injured for parts of the league.