Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Waterford play their best hurling in Thurles generally.

They have the hurlers, its just about the mindset.

I think their best chance would be to emulate what Wexford did last year. Make a quick start and isolate two men close to goal and try and get goals but I can’t see Davy setting up a team to hurl direct to give them a punchers chance.

Clare have fairly dismantled Davy’s set up when they played them in 2020 and 2021 with lesser parts than they have.

Waterford have miles better players than Wexford.

With the pressure totally off them, the likes of Barron, Lyons, Bennett, Gleeson and Hutchinson should be able to express themselves and if they get ahead will be tough to peg back.

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Yeah I agree on both counts there. The only thing is though that Clare can throw in a flat performance after a big one. Saw that last year after munster final. You could argue Wexford would have won that Clare game, had some of their key players avoided injury. Its a dangerous game if Waterford were to produce something like they did against Limerick. Plus after the systems failure the last day, and I might be giving Davy too much credit here, but Waterford could change it up completely and produce something Clare may not have seen before.

Leinster rely on a successful Wexford team heavily.

I work with paramedics. I think I know what I’m talking about.

These aren’t hoax calls. That’s something entirely different.

They’re calls from people who don’t need an ambulance. But the NAS are not allowed to refuse to carry them. They can advise them that they don’t need an ambulance, but they have to bring them in if the patient insists.

Sure A and E is full of people who don’t need to be in there.

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COVID was the right job for them A&E depts

Fair enough, I picked you up wrong. Obviously some calls wouldn’t warrant an ambulance but I still think 80% sounds exaggerated but I have nothing to back that up with.

About 10 years ago my mother was brought to A&E by ambulance. We following by car. My father and sister were with me
We went into A&E and took one look around and said to my sister, let’s head back out to the car and give them some space in here

The was a woman in there with a bandage on her finger. She had 2 friends sitting with her and about 4 kids with them.

There was a couple of lads hanging around the door drinking cans waiting for a friend. There was a lad with his leg laid up sitting in a chair with two fiends and bags of chips with them.

A load more people just milling around from what I could see.

This was about 8pm on a Tuesday evening. There wasn’t a seat to be had in the place for all the entourages that were with people. We’d have been adding to that.


As far as I know Ardkeen is much more stringent than that now. Only in extreme cases will they allow someone accompany a patient in A&E. It’s pretty much the best run hospital in the country now with the lowest trolley count consistently.


Ah that’s good to hear. It couldn’t get much worse than the evening I was there.
I’d say staff and security’s heads used to be wrecked with all the extras hanging around and taking up space and seats in the waiting area.

The Gunners bring their professionalism to the workplace also

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Jason Forde unlikely to be back I reckon

If you cry off with. A hamstring in a big game you should never be out two weeks later

We’ll get some horse placenta from Ballydoyle. Be grand.


Job is oxo

Its not like they bother their holes in the league Shane

The munster lads love complaining and making excuses. They won’t be happy until some of them get a direct bye into the AI semi-finals.

The Munster championship is the greatest competition in the world. Bar none.


Until Tony Kelly gets a Munster senior medal he can’t be taken seriously as a hurler.