Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Nolan needs a reprieve here

That’s a big score, badly needed

@Thomas_Brady on the telly there at about 39 minutes (really :grinning:)

The Dunph looking well there


Lots of dinosaurs involved with clubs still unfortunately.Its not about the kids,it’s about themselves.


Poor wide Reidy

What is Hannon doing?

Awful 2nd half so far.

Hannon was running through tar there


Lohan :man_facepalming:t2:

Make a switch

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Lohan fucked up not making that switch

One man band.

Clare selectors have been watching and waiting for that for 40 minutes

They’re wasting Adam Hogan on Graeme Mulcahy

Kyle loose with the stick there

A dirty stroke again.

there must be a case for big Aaron Shanagher to be brought on sooner rather than later?

Only one team winning this now I’m afraid. :green_square::white_large_square:

Warm up Mul you’re coming off