Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Hannon hooked


Ryan Taylor has left a few opportunities behind him today. Fortunate still to be on.

Clare out of gas

Limerick are switched on

Kyle with filth again

Kelly some shocker second half

Dead leg apparently.

Harsh on Duggan.

Has looked leggy

Dead leggy

He looked gassed out coming off

Kelly has been blocked twice now trying to drive it over rather than just flicking over a handy point.

Mad taking off tom morrissey


Clare need to goal for goals now big time…

That was wild from Hayes

Needs to pass that

Clare have made some amount of fuck ups, terrible management of Nolan, missing handy points, wides etc, and still only 4 behind. Limerick only in third gear and picking up the pace a bit now to finish the game off.

Clare showing no composure

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Flanagan has been well held