Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Limerick not playing that well.

Hego is being blatantly fouled every time but getting nothing. Lynch has been out of it and DOD has been poor.

Tom is going well tho.


Fr Ted needs to get Limerick to wake up.

The agenda is set here. Scandalous reffing

Things have fallen apart since hannon has gone off

Limerick should bring on Cian Lynch

Waterford doing well here running at Limerick

Limerick have jumped the shark

Davy’s brains trust outsmarting Kiely and Kinnerkbot here.

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Cman Waaaaaahfed

DOD might be hooked soon.

A steadier needed

Flanagan like Harry Kane, felt/engaged the contact and flopped to the ground

Flanagan with the arm grab and text book fall backwards.

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Cute out from Flanagan there

The vital third quarter starts NOW!

Waterford comfortably the better team. Wides killing them

Ahhh Liameen

Big play from a big player

First ball Lynch gets into the paw and chaos ensues. Some man.

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