Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

Limerick PRO before pressing send on 4th attempt

Sweating Heat Wave GIF


We should probably cut our losses now.

We won’t know til before throw in but you would expect that Davy Mc and O’Donnell start instead of the two Galvin’s. I think Lohan really likes Leen and I think he has done enough over the league to keep his place but wouldn’t be shocked if Hayes or Flanagan started in his place either.

Ah, they still have mine, and the whole county’s support.
Hopefully Sunday goes well. Win and the year opens up in front of us.
If we don’t have hope, we have nothing!

I sincerely doubt it would even phase him.

EDIT : The link for Derek McGraths piece no longer working.

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He’s posted it 4 times (or a minion has). I think it might.

I don’t think he has minions, that’s part of the problem.

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You’d need to know him.

Not a fuck will he give.
mood GIF

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If he had a minion we might have a chance.
At least there wasn’t a photo of his dinner date with it.


That was a classic tbf

To be fair to him, he is a million times more IT literate than our previous PRO.

I’m pretty sure that he was doing a lot of aspects of the PRO job prior to being re-elected anyway.


Serial chair occupier.


I expect many changes on that Limerick side, resorting to dummy teams is out of character for Kinnerk

Both teams had to have teams into croker this morning but were training tonight :person_shrugging:t2:… Stupid system really

I’d say it’s some serious roaster convention in the castleTroy hotel tonight

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I was going to go in but thought better of it. Saucey ticket price.

How much was it?

Eh Clare have named a blatant dummy team.

30 euros or 25 if you’ve an examiner sub.