Munster SHC 2021

Drinks been had here

Hes retired with a while now

What did you expect. They’ve been at it since the Galway Dublin match. Itll get messy in a while.

I hope you put that bollix Sombrero Cyril in his place.


One fella has gone on it for every England game.

It was really pitiful . A once great hurling county reduced to this kind of shit house tactic .It’s cheating plain & simple, trying to get your opponent sent off FFS. What a bunch of pathetic pussies. You could actually hear their simulated roars on the TV. Go fuck ye’re selves with ye’re Corkness ye clowns, its done, finished… as dead & dried up as Oliver Plunketts head.


Who was booking for simulation tonight?

( can’t believe I had to type that after a hurling match )

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If you think conor Boylan dived you’ve had a lobotomy

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Peter Casey is a desperate man for diving.

Sean Finn has it all. Great defender, can keep any forward in his pocket while doing parody and mime at the same time.


The referee & his umpires seemed pretty sure hence the card.

Simulation in Hurling & being booked for it, the fucking shame of it.

He showed a disdain there for what cork were up to and it was admirable.

The Limerick fans have constantly lauded his ability to dive and buy a free.

You fecker :smiley:


Th wake lads are in now looking for scraps

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Are you intending that as an insult you absolute steamer?


In all the years Cork were trimming Limerick the Cork lads never gave them the patronising shite you see from these Limerick apes on here.

Parody from Finn :joy:

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Twud be all the better if he was wumming :rofl: