Music Questionnaire

Me too

15 years.

“How did they think you were 90 Fagan, phnarr, phnarr”

“Guffaw guffaw…”

15 years for me too

Has me down as 39. Which was correct up until about a week ago.

Happy 38th birthday pal

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Welcome to the roaring 40’s pal

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Thanks bro.

Cheers boss. So far, I’ve lost a bit of a tooth, my back has got worse, and I spent way too much money on hi Fi equipment. The mid life crisis has truly begun.


Within 2 years for me.

It’s telling me I’m 41. I’ll take that, inaccurate as it is.

14 years off (had me in my 30s) for me, maybe its because i didnt sing along to mr brightside with a tie around my forehead

I even threw in an owl I’d sing along to Carry On Now Wayward Son (I would, and I might even do an owl air guitar) and Don’t Stop Beelayvin (I wouldn’t) and it still was way off.

Three years off.

This is one of the greatest songs in the history of mankind.

Unbelievable song. Hard to believe Dust in the Wind was a bigger hit.

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A smashing tune

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Way off for me, as I would expect.

Had me in my mid-40s :grimacing:

I’ve rekindled my hurling career since I turned 40 but the body is in ribbons for about a week after every match

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you got cajoled into joining cuala dads league?

My hurling ‘career’ is over nearly a quarter of a century at this stage :slight_smile:

Thought I was getting off the hook with the Dad sports stuff too, as all the little wan is on about is doing ballet. She passed the local GAA ground the other day and told me she was going to play football when she was a ‘big girl’. A ‘big girl’ to her is when she turns four. FFS sake.