Nallys Law

Precisely. What was shot was not man, but vermin.

Anyone have a number for the honourable Padraigh? Coild do with his services

Go on…?

Ah just the town needs a clear out badly. Local festival on this weekend and the cunts ruined it for everyone as usual

Horrible horrible fucking creatures. Ye get a rawer deal on it down there than most places. Was in Carlow over the past week and thats another place infested with the fucking filth.

The fought the fellas running the funfair on Saturday night, attacked em with iron bars etc. Then yesterday they smashed in the windows of a local pub.

A funfair? A simple rural pleasure. Tractors pulling people sitting on cushions across a muddy field was it?


Surprise, surprise, Mr Pavee Point

I was reading last week that a burglar (out on bail related to a burglary charge) was stabbed to death by a home owner in Manchester who caught him burgling his house. Not sure if the home owner was charged with anything.

How was the meeting mate?

I will not rest on my equality crusade until you’re a member of Pavee Point yourself Runt.

Interestingly, I was looking at sites that link to tfk the other week and one of them was Stormfront - Irish neo nazi group (they might dispute that term and just believe they’re pro pure ethnicity or something). Anyway they have a link to this thread and there was a little debate about whether travellers were lowlife or not. Some of the less cultured bigots argued that travellers are beneath contempt and a curse on society. Then the more academic bigots were suggesting that they’re actually the genuine Irish and have much more right to live here than immigrants so their culture should be protected and encouraged.

Fine pal. No need whatsoever for the scaremongering text yesterday. Actually no need to text at all yesterday.


Lawlessness, knuckle dragging and welfare sponging should be encouraged?

Howiya lads. Sign up ta fook.

This Stormfront thing could be the ruining of any of us who ever achieve anything notable in public life. It could destroy a successful leaflet-printing business, I’d wager.

Pavee Point are only a shower of knackers

Is there any way we could save Tinnion? He’s the only one of worth here.

Scum, that is all.

Home owner will not face charges over burglar’s stabbing death

Prosecutor rules Peter Flanagan acted in self-defence when he confronted four burglars, one of them armed with a machete

which clan has a dead one now, there was an awful gang a cunts in pallas when i passed through earlier bellies hanging out everywhere