Nancy and Daniel Benoit- Rest in Peace

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

The tragic events of last weekend in Georgia have really shaken my faith in wrestling. Other than possibly a high octane Wexford championship match or a European night at Celtic Park I cant think of any other sporting occasion that gives me the same rush as a Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble of Survivor Series.

The thing is I grew up with wrestling and unlike many kids of that era I was never a fan of the Hulkster. Instead I idolised the more technical mat wrestlers who combined their grappling skills with the brash excesses of WWF (as it was then) guys who talked the talk but who most certainly could walk the walk too.

Bret The Hitman Hart was the man as far as I was concerned closely followed by Shawn Michaels The Heartbreak Kid. Then Chris Benoit arrived on the scene just as my interest in wrestling was beginning to wane but immediately I recognised he was chiselled out of the same type of granite as these two. Indeed he was trained by Stu Hart, Brets father, back in his native Canada and his skills were terrific (as Tony Davis might say in a high pitched voice). Benoit, The Rabid Wolverine, had it all.

I didnt watch wrestling for years mainly due to not having Sky TV but then last Autumn I got it installed for the Ashes series. With the cricket proving to be incredibly one-sided and an easy procession for Australia I found myself switching over one night and watching the late night wrestling live from the US instead. And out came Benoit. I couldnt believe he was still involved but not just that he was also the United States Champion.

He was superb and just as I remembered him. Hed always win the technical jousts on the mat and was as ever a master of the snap mare, arm bar, shoulder block, toe hold, head lock you name it and he could do it and do it better than anyone else too. And hed also developed the type of finishing moves that are demanded of WWE performers the flying head butt from the top ropes, the triple German suplex, the sharp shooter (as pioneered by Bret Hart but developed by Stu and passed down to Benoit) and his submission move the Cross Face.

I also found out he was recently back after having reconstructive surgery for a broken neck and I thought what a legend. The commentators consistently referred to him as a future Hall of Famer and it was easy to understand why. In the back of my mind I wondered how he could possibly be competing after sustaining a broken neck and I had doubts as to whether there were painkillers and steroids keeping the likes of him going day after day, city after city, event after event for nearly 300 performances per year.

But equally I was encouraged by the anti-doping programme the WWE was said to be stringently enforcing. Id read of the new measures and seen cases of wrestlers being suspended but were these merely token gestures? In the cold light of day I now look at the statistics which show a litany of cases where wrestlers have died through organ failure brought about by steroid abuse. Then theres those wrestlers whose mental state has become so distorted through years of drug dependency that theyve killed themselves or others wrestlers like Chris Benoit.

I was very upset when I found out the news on Monday night and my heart goes out to the Benoit family. Its such an awful and tragically horrific case and I wasnt sure if I could justify getting enjoyment out of wrestling any more having seen whats happened in this case. Are the likes of me driving the industry by being so engrossed by it? Can it be cleaned up or is this a watershed?

I wasnt sure if I even wanted to watch the All American Bash next month and was feeling pretty low. But in the dressing room last night after thefreekick.coms superb 6-0 victory in the astro league I found myself singing Benoits theme music. The healing process has begun.

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

You have a flair for the dramatic Bandage I must say. Whos next I wonder? That’s Guerrero & Benoit gone so Malenko and Saturn left. I’d say Saturn, crazy bastard altogether and clearly mad for the steroids, he’ll slap the Rings of Saturn on everyone in his path. Or maybe himself and Kronus can go on a rampage and deliever some “Total Elimination”

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

The Wwe to be fair have tried to clean up their act with the wellness policy. They took Kurt Angle off the road cause he failed a drug test and eventually released him for his own good. I think if I had heard he had went mad and did what Benoit did I wouldnt have been as shocked. His neck problems are far worse than Benoits was and he is still wrestling despite being told to retire. Any interview I have read post Wwe, Angle has came up with strange remarks which indicate he is not all there.

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

Never liked Angle since day one. Looks like a lunatic as well. I remember when Tazz demolished him in Royal Rumble 2000, good times people, good times.

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

Everyone seems to be forgetting the most obvious steroid culprit which I will let Captainshan fill you in on…

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

Thanks Flano. Big Poppa Pump Scott Stenier of course. Remembered him when he was in the Wwe in 93,94 in a tag team with Rick Steiner. The guy was a suplex machine. Then around 98 he suddenly became a different person. He had muscles on muscles. The guy had to be on the juice. I will remember his match at the Royal Rumble 2003 with Hunter. Worst match ever. All he did was belly to belly suplexs and fecked them up. Ironically the next match on the card was Angle vs Benoit which will go down as Benoits best match ever I feel.

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

Benoits best match? When he was in ECW in the early days he had some amazing matches, none spring to mind but because the standard of matches from ECW were far superior to WWF/WWE or WCW I reckon I could trawl through my ECW DVDs and find something better.

As for Steiner to say “He had to be on the juice” is being a bit conservative. He was on the juice. There’s no way he could not have been.

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

I can only go on what I have seen and that was some match. Can remember Benoit being so close to beating Angle for the title. It was off the hook. Also the tribute match to Owen Hart which he had with Bret was a real old school battle. Very enjoyable.

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

Off the hook! [img size=100]

Benoit v Bret?? I seem to remember hearing something about that but I don’t think I’ve seen it. Do you have it Shan?

Post edited by: Flano, at: 2007/06/29 09:10

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

Its on the soon to be deleted Chris Benoit Dvd. I have it so Im ok. Get it quick.

Last picture of him alive

[img size=150]

Post edited by: Captainshan, at: 2007/06/29 09:36

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

The tragic deaths of Chris Benoit and his wife Nancy and son Daniel have shocked the wrestling world. The police are calling it a double-murder-suicide, but is it really? Lets look at some facts. It has been 10 years exactly since Nancy divorced Kevin Sullivan to marry Chris Benoit. In the 1980s Sullivan, along with his then-wife Nancy, were running a gimmick in wrestling of how they were Satanists, and Nancy was known as The Fallen Angel. She later became known as Woman. The trouble with the Satanists gimmick was it was for real, and was not a work, or fake. In the 1990s Kevin Sullivan was the booker for WCW, and he scripted his wife Nancy into having an affair with Chris Benoit who was a member of the Four Horsemen. This made for a good angle, except, the acting became reality as Chris and Nancy actually fell in love and Nancy divorced Sullivan to marry Benoit.

Benoit left the WCW to go to work for the WWE which was then known as the WWF. It is a fact that Sullivan threatened Benoit and told him he would kill him. Yes, that was 10 years ago, but Kevin Sullivan is no dummy. He is known for being a calculating, cold-hearted individual. Today, according to a source close to me, Kevin Sullivan is a high ranking member of the Satanic Church. The police need to consider the possibility that Sullivan carried out these gruesome murders in order to have his revenge, which is what Satanists live for. He could have entered the home, with an accomplice or accomplices and held the Benoits at gunpoint, Sullivan could have then bound up Nancy, and made Benoit and his son watch as he strangled the life out of her. Then the next day after making Benoit and his son spend the day in agony, murdered Benoits little boy because of his hatred for the offspring of Benoit and Nancy. Then he could have made Benoit wait an entire day before killing him to by hanging him in the basement.

By doing this, not only would Kevin Sullivan have lived out his Satanic Church creed with his lust for revenge, but he would have destroyed Chris Benoits reputation which is what has happened now as the wrestling world is attacking the memory of Chris Benoit remembering him as an insane baby killer and wife killer instead of the great World Champion wrestler and friend that he was.

Satanists hate the Bible and the police have stated that a Bible was found next to the bodies of Benoits wife and son. This would serve as a bizarre calling card as if to either say What good did your Bible do you? or to throw off investigators to keep them from suspecting Sullivan and his Satanists would have been involved.

Another thing to note is the fact that Kevin Sullivan was also associated with Sherri Martel, who died just a few days before the bodies of Chris Benoit, and his family was found, and the full details of Martells death have not been made known as of the time of this writing.

I wonder why the police have not even considered investigating the possibility the Kevin Sullivan killed Benoit, Nancy, and their child. It is certainly a possibility worth looking in to.

Also, Benoit was going to be crowned ECW World Champion on Sunday night. Why would he murder his family and kill himself when he was going to be on top again and make lots more money?

Why would he tie his wife up before killing her? He would have no reason to, but Kevin Sullivan sure would!

Sure he had some problems with Nancy, but that was 4 years ago and what married couple doesnt have problems? Remember also that they reconciled and as far as everyone knows there has been no other incidents reported.

One also needs to consider the fact that Benoit loved his kids and was so proud of his son that was killed. His kids wore suits and ties to his wrestling events and was proud of their dad. He was loved and respected by all those who knew him.

In my opinion, there is no way he would have murdered his family. This whole murder case has Satanists written all over it and Sullivan is a Satanist and has the motive to murder them.

I am encouraging anyone who reads this to send this to police authorities and circulate it on the internet, so these facts can be investigated, before the case is closed and Benoit is written off in history a murderer. If Sullivan is the real killer, justice should be served!

As a former Pro Wrestler myself, now a born again Christian and world wide evangelist, I am hoping and praying for justice no matter who is responsible.

Rev. Johnny Lee Clary

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

Very interesting Rocko. I suppose we’ll have to wait and see what the story is. Surely there would have been some sort of a struggle when they were trying to hang Chris, he wouldnt be the easiest guy to overpower

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

It’s quite clearly a load of crap. No evidence so blame satanists.

Re:Chris Benoit- Rest in Peace

Pure shite IMO. I had joked about this, there’s no way it could be true

[size=4]Benoit wrestle hold killed son[/size]

WRESTLER Chris Benoit murdered his seven-year-old son with his WWE finishing move, police have said.

Cops in Georgia are speculating that Benoit, 40, ended Daniel’s life with a version of the Crippler Crossface hold the morning after strangling his wife Nancy, 43, to death. Later that day Benoit committed suicide.

The Crippler Crossface was a move Benoit used in almost all his wrestling matches, including when he beat Triple H for the heavyweight title at WrestleMania XX.

Police were originally confused by bruising on the young lad that wouldn’t have been there had he been strangled.

Then an officer watched a wrestling tape, quickly realising that the marks on Daniel’s body matched the application of a version the Crossface.

The version Chris used in WWE rings involved him placing an arm of a floored opponent between his legs before locking his hands around their face and pulling back to stretch their neck.

In the context of a wrestling match the move was lightly applied, with Benoit’s foe ‘selling’ it with his facials to make it look like he was really hurt.

District Attorney Scott Ballard said: “A choke hold was used to strangle the boy, rather than hands, because there’s no bruising consistent with strangulation by hands.”

[size=4]CRIPPLER … Chris uses hold[/size]

Respected American wrestling writer Dave Meltzer added: "There was bruising consistent with the Crippler Crossface on one arm and Daniel’s face. There were no bruises on his neck

"The police don’t believe, because of the size difference, that the hold was applied exactly as it would be in a pro wrestling match.

“Benoit would have been in more of a kneeling position, sort of straddling Daniel while using one leg to pull back on his arm.”

More details of what turned a quiet man into a killer are also emerging.

Chris’s mental state deteriorated after the recent deaths of grappling pals Eddie Guerrero, Mike ‘Johnny Grunge’ Durham and Victor ‘Black Cat’ Mar.

They came on the back of the loss of other friends in the business including Brian Pillman, British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith, Owen Hart and Brian Hildebrand - as well as his trainer and mentor Stu Hart.

He was also becoming increasingly paranoid and deluded due to a lethal mix of steroids, pain killers, anti-depressants and the medication he was taking for his blood pressure brought on by decades of steroid abuse.

The full results of a toxicology (blood) test is still several weeks away.

Meltzer - who has spent a week speaking to police and Chris’s friends for his Wrestling Observer publication - concludes that is unfair to point the figure at the wrestling industry or steroids.

But he adds: "An absolutely horrible question to deal with in this situation, as well as many of the other deaths of wrestlers, is would these young men and women still be alive if they were never pro wrestlers or tied to another profession?

"Perhaps in some circumstances, the answer is no.

“But looking on this case, and going back to people who I knew very well and talked with regularly, who are no longer alive, if they had never gotten into wrestling, I can’t help but believe with all my heart, that every one of them would still be alive.”