Nba 2012/13

This is immense

this is unbearable, heat lead by 2 with 30secs to play


Miami just too good

Well done Miami, fully deserved:clap:
San Antonio, pure class:clap:
Great series:clap::pint:

Final score, Game 7, Miami 95 San Antonio 88

Ringo bingo :smiley:

Couldnt watch this last night sadly, and couldnt go the day without finding out. I hope to fuck this season puts an end to this Lebron isn’t a clutch player bullshit, the guy is the real deal, just because he’s no Jordan at this stage of his career doesn’t make him any less of a player. Fuck it, Jordan wasn’t even Jordan at this stage of his career. Sure, his legacy was growing, but only at the end can you really judge the two. And besides, being just behind the greatest ain’t such a bad thing either.

In the meantime, we sit back and enjoy whats in front of us, and while I would have little love for Miami as a franchise or a group of fans (witness the amount of cunts who walked out before the end of Game 7), its hard not to admire what they’ve done this past 3 seasons and makes what the Mav’s done all the more impressive. Last nights win makes little Ray Allen’s 3 pointer even more iconic now, fuck it I loved you Ray, what a player :frowning: