This is the new forum for the website which has replaced the old forum for a multitiude of reasons.
If you have any suggestions or comments on the new forum then post them here and I’ll try and implement what I can - at the moment it’s a work in progress.
There will be some tinkering with colour schemes etc. on this forum and on the main site over the next while but other than that this forum should be fine to run.
The stats stuff from the front page would also be good - number of posts, most popular threads by views, replies, searchable list of members and of course pms are imperative.
I quite like it. Once all the tinkering is done I’d say it will be class. I think having your profile info along with the avatar on the main page was a good thing from the old forum, I’m assuming you can get that back?
Also Rock, was there a problem with data loss on the transfer from the old forum. Posts from some threads seem to be missing.
Do you have an example Flano? Some threads certainly might have been split if they were longer than the database was expecting. If threads were dropped I’ll look into it.
The stats stuff from the front page would also be good - number of posts, most popular threads by views, replies, searchable list of members and of course pms are imperative.
Working on PMs.
There are some stats available on the front page (click more stats) but not as many clearly. Not sure what can be done to improve on it but it should be possible to integrate it better with the rest of the site now and there is plenty of potential to record stats from the site as a whole.
I quite like it. Once all the tinkering is done I’d say it will be class. I think having your profile info along with the avatar on the main page was a good thing from the old forum, I’m assuming you can get that back?
I’m assuming that too Flano.
You do need to update your avatar though. Signatures should have copied across correctly but avatars did not.
There has definitley been a loss of data somewhere. I checked the post counts and I’ve dropped about 80. As for other people they’ve dropped a shit load.
There has definitley been a loss of data somewhere. I checked the post counts and I’ve dropped about 80. As for other people they’ve dropped a shit load.
I’d guess that the post counts from the original board have been lost and it’s recalculated the post count based on the number of posts actually made on the last forum. I’m sure I can fix that. If you do notice any particular topics or posts that have disappeared let me know.
[quote]I have problems using the board at home but not in work. I use Firefox at home.
Post edited by: Captainshan, at: 2007/06/22 07:49
Any specific problems Captain? I use Firefox at home and didn’t particularly notice any problems but most of the testing I did was with IE.[/quote]
Anytime I logged in when I went into the forum it said I was a guest. I somehow got into the forum once last night but then logged out and then tried to log back in but got the same problem saying I was a guest.
Alright, thanks for that. I’ll be changing around how the whole user management part of the website works sometime between today and tomorrow so hopefull it should resolve your issue. Firefox is usually very good at remembering your user details from forms and keeping you logged in so there must be an issue here somewhere. I’d say it’s some sort of conflict with logging you in to the old forum and the new one at the same time.
Anything more specific Gerry? The layout is far from complete - it’s an interim design at the moment. By all means let me know your criticisms and suggestions though because it’s a work in progress.
All that has happened so far is the database has moved and there is new forum software. The colour scheme, the columns, the headers etc. they’re all just temporary and the only reason they changed was because the black background made posts difficult to read on the new forum without going through a lot of changes first.
There are some features that aren’t up and running yet and the main priorities at the moment are:
redesign of the template for the whole site (and possibly the forum, though the forum’s template itself is fine I think: except for not having a box around quoted posts)
reinstating video embedding on the forum
reinstating PM system
loads of little tweaks like latest posts, forum rankings etc.