Breifne Earley
A Leitrim man, unfortunately.
Breifne Earley
A Leitrim man, unfortunately.
You left the word “fat” out of that sentence.
You’d know him farmer I presume? Did you cross paths in college with him? A grand fella but odd as befuck.
Who is he?
I don’t know him.
A harmless aul cratur is poor horsebox
He must have a bike frame made of kryptonite.
Cycling craze is spawning some amount of middle aged male narcissists .
Psychotherapy? Are you sure? Thats generally considered serious quackery. I am not saying it is, but i didn’t think it was a mainstream maters.
Whats wrong with him bettering himself though?
I have come to hate them. Despite thinking it was a great idea at the start.
Ah here how old is the cunt he’d hardly be described as young. Maybe it’s his mate Jeffrey they mean. He’s only a few years old I’d imagine.
Who are CiaraFudgyJudgy and AdamPHarris?
Is it safe to suggest they are cunts?
That cunt “Robbie” Heffernan sharing his social media account with his Mrs gets me every time.
There’s also the small point that he hasn’t actually done anything of note bar raise the bar for PR to new heights.
Has Heffernan been nominated for cunt of the year yet? You might want to fire over a nomination just in case.
What’s the difference between an advocate and an activist?