Nothing Great about Britain

The place is beyond fucked. And anyone who thinks rape gangs were excused due to political correctness, is extremely naive.

Didn’t you join this forum because you were outraged at two fellas being brought to trial for rape?

It’s a useful smear campaign against KS also.


Its relentless

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It’s hardly a smear if he has a track record of covering up for child abusers


Ah thats awful sad.


Really really sad.

Unrealt so it is

Its not far away here. Thank God for the GAA holding many communities together in a lot of cases.

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You shudder to think what places like Kildimo would be like if it wasn’t for the civilising influence of the local GAABH club.

In fairness, the pronunciation of the place, Kill-Die-Mo is a bit of a giveaway as to what it’s like.

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