Nothing says Cork like

Ah now , one mans meat etc etc’
We’re not like anyone else so we’ve our own words / ways thank God , well for a little while longer anyway PANA , dowtcha kid🤙


No he wasn’t a Corkman

Just now realised/found out that Reggie is the journalist Pat Fitzpatrick,
Reggie has his moments in fairness

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The whole place is going to be class lads. Believe you me, Cork is on the way up!!

until only the top 5 floors of it are above water anyway


A small, minor detail but yes, that would be the case…

Another quaint one for ya “ Hoggie bas”
Aka “ Horgans buildings”

Weird Bastards

Uniqueness is a great trait😂

Hourihane from 6 yards on his right

Browne from the spot at a nice height for the keeper



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Reggie :clap: :clap:

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He’s as funny as lockdown


You’d have to live here to truly get the humour.

Watching Dead Still on Rte here. The Cork detective just said…‘You do a good scone up here(dublin)… but not as good as a Cork scone’.


Went to the Christmas Market in the marina this evening. Great set up. Savage food offerings. Had to be rolled out