November Rugby Internationals (aka Kev - "Should BOD be dropped?")

Murrayfield booing some South African chap taking a kick there and they got their answer. South Africa 6 up

South Africa hold on for the win

Is Ireland’s call over yet?

Ten flawless minutes in fairness to the goys

Big Dev :clap:

Empty your bank accounts on Ireland



I followed you in on it but they are an incredibly boring rugby team

I look forward to catching a bit of this test match when I get home from walking Brady.

Two Irish fellas with a combined weight of about 60 stone just took one lad down and they’re losing the plot in the commentary box :smile:

A lot of statements being made so far

Is the world cup in the bag?

Schmidtball is even worse than warrenball

Donal Lenihan sounds like he had a feed of disco biscuits

Joxer is goin to Kanagawa

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Fucking Best.

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103 tackles in 17 minutes = Schitball

Hugh Cahill just spoke about Ireland’s “impeccable” lineout after they won an uncontested lineout

Ireland need a spell in possession all this tackling is wearing them down. Timely penalty there. NZ always give away pen and never seem to get yellows

That wasn’t cynical lads, it was braindead