November Rugby Internationals (aka Kev - "Should BOD be dropped?")

That’s the world cup in the bag

They put the tape on wrong on Cronins wrists. That’s why he can’t throw for shit

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Thanks pals.

Who was MOTM.

Why in the name a jaysus would you kick it back to them


Yesss yess yess yess

What was McGrath at kicking that back to them with a minute left?

Probably a bit lucky overall but very good defensive performance

Well done Ireland, probably just about deserved that :clap:

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Some performance. Schmidt is a genius. But with all that play the only try depended on a fortunate bounce. But as its a kick in the face for the republic of oireland soccer team, ill take it

The one and only POM.

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Delighted for Keith Earles.

Super performance again. The pride of Moyross

If Oireland don’t win the World Cup it’ll be a failure

:pint: :pint: :pint: :pint


A moral victory would have been better tonight

Keeping NZ tryless is impressive, but they were steeped at times.

Half the leaders gone off in shite. That’ll happen in a WC and they’ll be fucked all over again. Schmidtball.

Would you ever fuck off you tiresome cunt.

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Has Kieran Read captained NZ to two losses v Ireland?

Lads have been shot for less

Ah lovely


We did it


This will absolutely sicken the shit of those horrible kiwi bastards.

And it’ll piss @fitzy off no end.


Great day for the rugby lads enjoy @gilgamboa

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