NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

anybody give me a ball park figure on when things will be back to normal? I’m thinking early June.

Best wishes @ChairmanDan

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Unless she doesn’t believe what she’s writing, which is even more vile.

Why would I sneer at a kid with autism? I think you are a disgrace wanting to get tanked up in a public house on cheap beer and racially abuse immigrants when we have a global pandemic on the go.


Normal is never returning

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Uh oh

23m ago15:25

Major London hospital has no critical care capacity left

A major London hospital has declared a “critical incident” because of a surge in patients with coronavirus, HSJ reports.

In a message to staff, Northwick Park hospital in Harrow said it has no critical care capacity left and was contacting neighbouring hospitals to discuss transferring patients who need critical care to other sites.

The message, sent last night, said:

I am writing to let you know that we have this evening declared a ‘critical incident’ in relation to our critical care capacity at Northwick Park hospital. This is due to an increasing number of patients with Covid-19.

This means that we currently do not have enough space for patients requiring critical care.

As part of our system resilience plans, we have contacted our partners in the North West London sector this evening to assist with the safe transfer of patients off of the Northwick Park site.

:clap: :heart: :muscle:

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The Brits are doing the whole lions led by donkeys thing again. Except it’s donkeys led by donkeys at this stage.
Running at the virus like they ran at the machine guns, out of some bizarre sense of duty to an Empire that doesn’t exist anymore.
They must think a stiff upper lip will keep the virus out of their noses


I hope the tans are well stocked with coffins.


I was in Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow once myself. I got very good care.

Today’s Trump presser is a fuckin doozy so far.

94k passport applications last year from the UK

Fuck em into mass graves, didn’t bother them in the past.



The daily press conferences are worth listening in to for Dr Anthony Fauci alone, the guy is absolutely brilliant and incredibly sensible.

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Boris to pubs. Please close as soon as you can

8 days lost through pig headed ness

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