NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


Do we see an Italy situation developing in England?

It’s gonna be worse in Tan land. I’ve sisters married over there I wish the fuck they could come home

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Not in my opinion. There is no reason to think the virus arrived in Italy any earlier than the UK or the US or any major western country for that matter. It’s more likely it arrived around the same time give or take a few days, and spread at roughly the same rate during February and March.

Italy has 3405 dead, the US 210 and the UK 168 as of this morning, yet you have lads on here saying the UK and the US are the worst countries. There’s no doubt lots of more people will die, but I don’t expect any western country to get anywhere close to the mortality rate in Italy.

Spain might.

There are too many unknowns to make any predictions.

I’d rather be in Ireland than the U.S or UK


The US is well on its way to being the next Italy

There’s no doubt some areas will be hard hit, the highest population centers. Claiming the mortality rate will be north of 8% is irresponsible though.

I’d rather be on an island with no one else other than my family, but that’s neither here nor there.

Population density has a huge impact, it’s much harder to control the spread.

I don’t want to die. I’m afraid. I’m alone here.


We are all here with you

How is it irresponsible?

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Who claimed it would be, are you doing that thing where you make up stuff and then argue against the imaginary points again? Fascinating to watch. The death rate isn’t that in Italy either, they are just too overwhelmed to deal with anything but the worst cases

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Rishi Sunak has pledged that the UK Government will pay 80% of wages for those temporarily laid off up to £2500 a month.

He cuts a much more statesmanlike figure than anybody else in the current UK cabinet.

You just said the US will be the next Italy.

What exactly did you mean by that?

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You are safest on your own mate.

Why not have Donald McNeil explain it to you:

@labane1917’s logic:

Warn that unless extremely serious measures are taken to restrict people’s movement, the situation will become a catastrophe - “irresponsible”

Call the virus a hoax - “responsible”

Perversely, being alone is the best defence you have against this cunt

Give it two weeks and you’ll see mate

Just do whatever they did in wuhan and Singapore to stop it. Exactly the same.

Anything else is a lottery.

This isnt a six sigma project, do what works, try optimize it when we get through this crisis

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