NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You’re buying into this narrative that the US is two weeks behind Italy? Based on what?

There are 3,405 dead in Italy from a population of 60.5 million. If you are correct there will be 18,573 dead in the US in two weeks. My prediction is there will be a few thousand dead.

Tell you what, if you are right and when all this is over and hopefully we both survive, I will meet you in Limerick and buy you whatever number of pints are needed for you to fall over.

Boris will pay 80% of wages up to 2.5k a month for the next 3 months.

Imagine the two lads in the pub in askeaton next Christmas. ‘what are ye celebrating lads?’ 20,000 dead in America, two more pints please.’


2.5k Sterling won’t buy a toilet roll in 3 months.

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If you haven’t a bidet you’d want your head examined


That’s gonna save a lot of companies.

It relieved a lot of anxiety for a lot of people I’d say

There’s a few lads on here that would want to be at that event.

A more realistic outcome than death is that you won’t be fit to run a marathon ever again because your lungs are destroyed. That’s a very plausible scenario.


The Anglo-Saxon world is on the brink of collapse.

We’re looking at a total economic and social breakdown


Any lad not buying a bow and arrow on amazon this weekend may as well give up


Boris might have saved the day today.

I’m formulating my exit strategy. The world as we know it will never be the same again. I hope I have the strength to withstand the next few months.

The one’s who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

That’s a cheap bet on your side :joy:

I hope I’m wrong mate. But I’d be very worried that the US is a potent combination of ignorance, fear due to lack of social protections and a healthcare system that people are afraid to use

That’s good news :joy:

You (and others) are underestimating the resources the US have to throw at this. If the entire military has to be thrown at this effort it will be done.

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America is the greatest country in the world. Some people need to remember that